
Council to investigate affordable housing strategy

Ipswich City Council will form an advisory panel to investigate and assist in the development of strategies and delivery of affordable housing in the region.

Arts and Community Development Committee Chairperson Cr Kylie Stoneman said that the delivery of fair and liveable communities is a core focus of the regional plan for South East Queensland, ShapingSEQ 2041.

 “The advisory panel will provide a platform for collaboration and partnership with a wide range of stakeholders,” she said.

“These discussions and activity driven by that panel will consolidate Ipswich’s existing commitment affordable housing, inform the development of Council’s liveability policy and create opportunities for new and innovative models of affordable housing in Ipswich.”

Council hosted an Affordable Housing Forum at Fire Station 101 last month, an event opened by Mayor Andrew Antoniolli and attended by 30 civic leaders and key organisation representatives.

Some of the issues discussed included social disadvantage and the development of strong communities, supply of land, Council’s planning scheme, and potential for opportunities/partnerships to deliver different types of housing.

“The forum’s discussion about affordable housing focussed on liveability, including the cost of transport, housing options for renters, development of dwelling types for to meet changing demands and opportunities to be explored,” Cr Stoneman said.

“Participants showed enthusiasm and commitment to further developing ideas and solutions to this complex, multi-layered issue. It was agreed there are actions that need to be explored to deliver more diverse housing options to help those in need connect with our City and their communities.”

Ipswich’s strong growth rate, coupled with the projected large population increase over the next 25 years (520,000 by 2041), prompted Council to investigate the methods and mechanisms to ensure affordable housing supply into the future.

“Ipswich wishes to maintain quality of life and strong civic spirit and as part ensuring this liveability and the ability to offer quality housing outcomes for all of its residents, which includes affordable housing to purchase and affordable rental options,” she said.

Cr Stoneman said the panel would look at Ipswich’s current and future population and the key questions to be investigated in the development of housing related policy and processes.

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