Ipswich City Council will focus on young pregnant mothers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a new anti-smoking education campaign.
Heath, Security and Community Safety Committee Chairwoman Cr Sheila Ireland said these groups were identified as “high risk” and key users of areas in Queensland’s amended tobacco laws.
“In September 2016 amendments were made to the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 which affected council’s existing Local Laws regarding Smoke Free Public Areas,” she said.
“To assist with updating infrastructure, installing/updating signage in existing and additional smoke free areas the State Government provided Council with $50,000 in funding, to be used by 30 June 2017.”
A portion of the funding was spent in 2016-17, including on the replacement of aluminium signage and removal of footpath markings.
Council received an extension on the remaining funding, some of which was spent on signage at sports fields and caged areas.
Cr Ireland said council sought and received further government approval to increase the scope of funding to include education for key target groups.
“The funding is proposed to be spent in two education methods. This first will be targeted cinema advertising using the Quit for you, quit for two video, which is a part of a Federal Government campaign. The second will be a partnership with the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health on a range of tobacco cessation initiatives which include tobacco programs and smoke-free events,” she said.
“The targeted education with users of smoke free areas will focus on why they shouldn’t smoke as well as the health impacts of using tobacco and in turn create peer enforcement in the smoke free areas.”
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