The Lions Club of Rosewood buried a time capsule this week. Image: supplied
Who wouldn’t like to find buried treasure?
Ipswich First has dug up a list of time capsules buried around the city.
Time capsules are created to commemorate an event or to capture a moment for the future.
The international Time Capsule Society estimates there are between 10,000 and 15,000 time capsules worldwide. It is also estimated more than 80 per cent of all time capsules are lost and will not be opened on their intended date.
Making sure local time capsules are not lost to history, Ipswich First has compiled a list of some Ipswich time capsules and their contents.
Sealed: 1990
Reopen: 2040
The Moreton Shire Council Administration building was officially opened by former Governor of Queensland, Sir Henry Able Smith on 4 March 1961.
Amalgamation with Ipswich City occured on 22 March 1995. On 29 November 1996 the building was dedicated in honour of Neville Bonner A.O., Australia’s first Aboriginal senator.
On 15 June 1999 the property was sold to the Queensland Police Service.
Some of the contents:
Welcome package to new residents
Standard Building Department application forms
Women’s Weekly
Computer magazine
Moreton Shire Council flag
Promotional giveaways: pencils, rulers, Biros, note and pads
Moreton Shire Council tie
One set of Moreton Shire Council coasters
Attendance list of the official opening of the new office extensions
Official program of the opening of the new extensions
1990-1991 Report to the Ratepayer
Moreton Shire Council Discovery & Settlement book
Ipswich is not the only city with a love of history, these are some other facinating time capsules from around the world
George Lucas Time Capsule
Star Wars creator George Lucas buried a time capsule at Skywalker Ranch in 1997.
It contains priceless memorabilia and artifacts from the company. There is no intended opening date. He was quoted in as saying “When we are all gone and the microbes have taken over, and they begin to speak and think and do things that we have done, they will dig it up some day, and say, ‘Look, humans were here’.”
The Steve Jobs Time Capsule
This one was buried in an Aspen field in 1983. The almost 4 metre tube was meant to be dug up in 2000, but it was lost. It was finally found in 2013 after the National Geographic Channel show Diggers found it 30 years after it was buried.
The capsule was buried at a conference where Jobs gave a speech about his predictions on technology. He had included his mouse from his computer while other attendees had thrown in Rubik’s Cubes, music and even a six pack of beer.
The Apollo 11 Time Capsule
There is a coin sized silicon disk on the moon that was left there when we popped over in 1969. Seventy-three country leaders from around the world left statements on the disc along with names of US officials and NASA managers.
Sealed: 31 July 2001
Re-open: unknown
Location: unknown
Some of the contents:
Cambrian Youth Choir CD
Certificate and the Australian flag that accompanied the certificate ‘was flown in the House of
Representatives Chamber at Canberra 30 March 1990 for presentation to Journey of a Nation, City of Ipswich 2001
Dog spike mounted on timber donated by The Railway Workshops
Ipswich State High School tie and pin
St Edmund’s College coasters
Queensland Times special centenary of federation edition, 30 March 2001
Sealed: 18 May 1998
Reopen: 18 May 2023
Stainless steel capsule placed in the front wall of the Barry Jones Auditorium behind a plaque.
Some of the contents:
Located at Ipswich City Council, administration building
Sealed: 1985
Re-open: 2050
On 9 March 1985 the Mayor of Ipswich Alderman D.A. Freeman placed a time capsule containing historical records of the City of Ipswich.
Some of the contents:
Annual report and information from library
Copy of council by-laws
Council agenda for Thursday 7 March
Statement of accounts year ended 30 June 1984
Tourist brochure City of Ipswich
125th Anniversary pens and stickers
Letter from the Mayor
Letter from the Town Clerk
Copy of Town Plan and other planning documents
Ipswich City Council Indigenous Australian Accord ca1997
Ipswich City Council Minutes of past election meeting, 28 March 1995
Ipswich Heritage Trails: City Centre Then and Now, Trail No. 13 – Denmark Hill, Salisbury Road and
Eastern Heights, 1996
Ipswich Queensland Australia ca1998
Profile: 1998 Australia Day Ipswich Citizen of the
Year Award – Norman J Rule
QLD Rail Workshops Group 1995 Review
Red covered guest book: Box Flat Memorial visitor’s book
Rosewood Detailed Planning Study 02 February 1998
Springfield: A City Awakes, ca1998
Steam to Swanbank by Steve McNicol, 1995
Stamps – First day cover of Queen’s Birthday Stamps, 4 May 1998
Toys – from Central Scholl Class 4M
Videos – GIL and Ipswich Technology, Creativity, Lifestyle, Leadership Version II
Sealed: 1993
Re-open: 2043
On 9th October 1993 Les Scott Federal Member for Oxley placed a Time Capsule containing historical records of the
Located in Lions Corner at the Cobb and Co Park, Rosewood
Sealed: 26 April 2018
Re-open: 2050
Some of the Contents:
Memorabilia from when the club was established in 1975.
Books, newsletters and biographies of members of the organisation
These and other projects were built in partnership with Ipswich City Council employees by 55 Local Capital Works Program participants who were previously long term unemployed. 11 participants gained full time employment with Council as a result of skills obtained during these projects.
Some of the contents:
Description of d’Arcy Doyle Place & Top of Town heritage precinct
Plans of d’Arcy Doyle Place & Top of Town heritage precinct
The case for the Ipswich University & the adaptive reuse of buildings book
A comprehensive heritage kit including heritage trail brochures
The media kit on library/community information centre
Community profile
Details of exhibitions at Art Gallery at time of d’Arcy Doyle opening
Queensland Times, 9 October 1993
Located outside the art block not that far from Brisbane Street
Sealed: 1992
Re-open: unknown
Some of the contents:
Diary letter from year students
School blazer
Two Cleo magazines
Two Dolly magazines
Keith Urban poster
Running shoe with spikes
Scrunchie (Hair)
Students maths exercise book
Uniform shop price list
School badge
1992 Senior badge
Library overdue notice
Top 40 singles chart
A selection of test instruments from various departments
Madonna quotes
Julia Roberts poster
Inter-house Athletics program
Letter from History Department to those who open capsule