In a bid to cut contamination rates by more than half, Ipswich City Council has come up with a simple, definitive list of just four categories for the yellow lid bin as part of the fortnightly kerbside collection service.
As part of the new recycling strategy, council is rolling out an extensive information campaign to help residents know exactly what they can put in the yellow lid bin and recycle right.
Today we continue an ongoing series answering your questions.
What number do I call if I have further questions about recycling in Ipswich?
Please call the customer service centre on (07) 3810 6666.
Is there a cost if I drop my glass to the Rosewood or Riverview depot?
No, if only clean bottles and jars are being dropped off.
How will council be recycling the glass they collect?
Council will be taking the glass to a local glass recycler.
When will we know more about how our glass is to be recycled?
Council is exploring glass collection systems and alternative markets for recovered glass materials. However, in the meantime we will be partnering with a local glass recycler and providing glass drop-off locations. More information will be provided in due course.
Why can glass from Brisbane be recycled but not from Ipswich?
Glass from Ipswich can be recycled and has been happening until the recent break in recycling contract. Ipswich has decided to continue to recycle glass. However, we want to collect glass in a different way so that other recyclable materials retain a higher value.
Why can’t I have a separate bin for glass that is collected by council?
Council is currently exploring that option. For now, glass can be dropped off at either Riverview or Rosewood recycling and refuse centres. More drop-off areas will be set up in the coming weeks. As a last resort, place them in your general waste bin for collection.
Where do I find further information about what can and cannot be recycled?
There is more detailed recycling information on council’s Bin App. Please focus on the items that are listed as being accepted in the recycling bin. If it is not on that list, please do not place it in the recycling bin. Also, check the Ipswich City Council website here.
When should I be following the new recycling guidelines from?
We encourage everyone to start with the new recycling program immediately.
How do I ensure that my ICC Bin App is updated?
You can do a manual update of your smart phone which will update the information on the Bin App.
Do I leave lids on or off for recycling?
Leave lids off plastic milk and drink bottles, and remove lids from glass bottles and jars and place lids in the recycling bin (but definitely not the glass).
Council’s list of four categories for the yellow lid bin:
1. Paper: Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, office paper
2. Plastic: Bottles and containers (milk, soft drink and shampoo bottles; yoghurt and ice-cream tubs)
3. Cardboard: Boxes including clean pizza boxes
4. Cans and tins: Aluminium and steel (drink cans, food tins and aerosol cans)