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Milestone moment opens up four lanes of Springfield traffic

Mayor Harding and Division 2 Councillor Paul Tully at the newly-opened section of Springfield Greenbank Arterial.

Springfield Greenbank Arterial near Brighton Homes Arena is now flowing freely across four lanes as the latest construction milestone on the city’s largest ever road upgrade is reached.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial duplication project was crucial to meet current and future demand in one of the fastest growing regions in Queensland.

“Four lanes of traffic are now open along Springfield Greenbank Arterial from the Eden Station Drive intersection to the rail overpass in front of Brighton Homes Arena,” Mayor Harding said.

“This stage of the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial duplication has been intensive, involving more than 10,000 tonnes of asphalt and 34,000 cubic metres of excavation.

“Despite significant rainfall and storms earlier in the year playing havoc with the schedule, this work has now been completed with an excellent safety record and on time.”

Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Antoniolli welcomed the progress.

“This is an exciting moment in the ongoing works being undertaken to duplicate two major thoroughfares in Springfield,” Cr Antoniolli said.

“Delivering the right infrastructure where and when it is needed is what’s important to our community.”

Deputy Mayor and Division 2 Councillor Nicole Jonic said almost all new kerb and streetlights were now installed along Springfield Greenbank Arterial from Eden Station Drive to Sinnathamby Boulevard.

“The park ‘n’ ride entry and Exit 32 are well advanced, connecting to a new signalised intersection and dedicated left-hand turn lane, which are also progressing well,” Deputy Mayor Jonic said.

“I want to thank everyone for their patience and driving safely around this critical work.”

Division 2 Councillor Paul Tully said the latest milestone followed the opening late last year of the city’s largest intersection.

“Upgrading council’s largest intersection at Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial was a huge undertaking and has made such a difference to local motorists since it was completed late last year,” Cr Tully said.

“This financial year, council contractors will return to Springfield Parkway to extend the duplication north from the new intersection at Springfield Greenbank Arterial to Topaz Drive.”

The duplication of Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial is jointly funded by council and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme.

For more information about the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial Duplication Project, including staging, visit council’s website.

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