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Ipswich Youth Advisory Council meets new council team

Ipswich Youth Advisory Council 2024 cohort meets with Mayor Harding and Councillors.

Ipswich City Council is continuing to bridge the gap between the TikTok generation and decision makers through the 17th term of the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) in 2024.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said she was immensely proud to meet the new cohort of 37 members at their first opportunity to engage with elected representatives this year.

“The councillors and I were delighted to meet the 2024 IYAC this week, each of us sharing that we do our jobs every day with their futures in mind,” Mayor Harding said.

“Ipswich is a young population, with a third of residents under the age of 25. Our city is home to more young people and fewer older people compared with the rest of South-East Queensland.

“Making sure the views and aspirations of our city’s youth are incorporated into our planning and decision-making is crucial to meeting the current and future needs of our city.”

With membership open to 13 to 18 year olds who attend school in Ipswich, Mayor Harding said she was constantly amazed at the commitment and contribution that IYAC members bring each year to their roles.

“Last year, IYAC actively collaborated with council on several significant topics, including Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, our Inclusion and Connectedness Plan, the draft Ipswich Plan 2024, City Wide Events Plan, our Customer Experience Program and the future of resource recovery,” Mayor Harding said.

“These are significant issues for our city, and these young advisors all took their role very seriously in shaping outcomes that will impact them now, and into the future.”

Image gallery above of Ipswich Youth Advisory Council constituents meeting with their Divisional Councillors and Mayor Harding 

Mayor Harding said the IYAC had proven to be a fantastic initiative over the years, with her own daughter participating more than a decade ago.

“Our aim is that the initiative increases young people’s civic participation, develops leadership potential of Ipswich’s youth, and builds their understanding of government processes such as planning and policy development,” Mayor Harding said.

“Engagement between council and the youth advisors is a two-way street, and our policies and activities are made better for their input and lived experience.

“My councillor colleagues and I all look forward to collaborating with the youth advisory council this year on a range of council and community topics.

“I don’t doubt that members of IYAC today are future Ipswich mayors and councillors in the making, and just beginning their service to the City of Ipswich.

“Our city is in safe hands with these inspiring young advocates.”

More information about the IYAC is available at Ipswich Youth Advisory Council : Ipswich City Council.

If you or a young person you know is interested in becoming a member of the IYAC, contact

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