
Ipswich suburbs with missed bin collections asked to put red-lidded bins out for catch-up service

Ipswich residents whose bins were not picked up last Friday (13 December) are being asked to put their red-lidded general household waste bins out tonight and to leave them out over the weekend until collected.

Ipswich City Council Acting Chief Executive Officer Matt Smith said council will divert waste collection services to deliver a catch-up service for suburbs whose bins were not collected last Friday due to protected industrial action.

“We will have collection services in the suburbs of Springfield and surrounds from 5am Thursday 19 December, as well as those suburbs who are normally collected on a Thursday,” Mr Smith said.

“However, yellow-lidded recycling bins will not be collected on Thursday.

“Council is working hard to manage ongoing impacts on bin collection services. We apologise to the community for the frustrations experienced by residents in affected suburbs.

“We will continue to assess what is possible for service delivery over the remainder of the week and respond to any changes.”

Free drop off at council’s Riverview or Rosewood Resource Recovery Centres will continue to be available for residents whose regular bin collection service was not completed this week or last Friday.

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  1. Please council can you cut grass at least in your council areas we pay council rates but I don’t think it is utilised properly..alawoona street Redbank plains area has never been touched by council workers to cut the grasses and keep it tidy .I have been in this street for 6 years .please can you check on this thanks kindly.

  2. Please do not bow down to the strike action with the garbage collection. I am sick of the unions bullying tactics. If they are not happy with a 12.75% increase over three years, sack the lot of them and ask them to reapply for their jobs if they want it back. Let them go a get another job and I bet they won’t get the same hourly wage. I know a lot of people who work a lot harder for a lot less money.

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