The National Fire Ant Eradication Program and council are urging local residents to register for free fire ant bait to treat their properties.
Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Russell Milligan said he would like to see fire ants eradicated from Ipswich as they are a dangerous pest.
“Fire ants are already impacting our way of life here in Ipswich, and we need an all-in community effort to get rid of them,” Cr Milligan said.
“The bait is safe for humans, pets and wildlife, and both homeowners and tenants can register to receive free bait in the mail.”
Fire ants – Image courtesy of the National Fire Ant Eradication Program.
Head of Operations from the National Fire Ant Eradication Program Graeme Dudgeon said Ipswich was a fire ant hotspot, and a whole-of-community approach was needed to rid fire ants from the region.
“We need to work together to fight against fire ants, which is why we are asking residents in Ipswich to sign up to get free fire ant treatment,” Mr Dudgeon said.
“Even if you do not think you have fire ants on your property, you should treat your yard as fire ants can be present even if nests are not visible.”
Fire ants are copper brown with a darker abdomen and measure just two to six millimetres in size.
They inflict a painful, fiery sting, which in rare cases can cause a severe allergic reaction in humans and animals.
Guard your yard against fire ants today and register before 5 February 2023 to get your free bait at or call 13 25 23.
For more information about fire ants or to report fire ant nests go to
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