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Behind the Screens: Tools down soon at Hotel Commonwealth

Construction crews are approaching the final call of ‘tools down’ on the expansion of one of Ipswich’s oldest remaining pubs, the Hotel Commonwealth.

Internal walls have been completed along with painting and doorways for navigating between the hotel’s three levels and various function rooms, spaces and bars.

The new amenities block built on the side of the old hotel is now complete and the car park at the rear of the building is ready to go for first guests to arrive.

Connecting new and old. A new amenities block (left) now adjoins the century old building as part of its expansion.

A sneak peek of the new amenities block built on the side of the old building, fit for new generation of loyal patrons.

The hotel’s expansion includes a new cocktail bar and bistro area to the rear, under a retractable roof for enjoying on sunny days.

Safety screens out the front of the hotel have been removed allowing passersby in the Nicholas Street Precinct to view the newly-tiled frontage and entry.

Final inspections, testing and checks are now underway.

View from inside the Hotel Commonwealth’s new kitchen towards the river. 

Passersby have enjoyed seeing Hotel Commonwealth without safety screens. 

Completed car park at Hotel Commonwealth, ready for first guests later this year.

With the restoration and expansion of the Hotel Commonwealth building almost complete, this will be the last construction update from council on this flagship project in the emerging city heart.

The Hotel Commonwealth is now preparing to enter an exciting new phase led by hotel managers AusHotels, ahead of opening its doors later this year.

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One Comment

  1. We went for a drink at the beautifully restored
    Commonwealth Hotel, really great, love the history that’s been retained and the new spaces and gorgeous interiors. The Manager was so fantastic, she was so generous with her time, showing us around, picking out details, even the beautiful timbers that are part of the gorgeous big dining table in the fire place room! So great, great job! loved it

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