Pick up a whole suite of new tools when you whack weeds with one of Ipswich’s many Bushcare groups.
Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Jim Madden said one of the ways council supported the volunteer-led program was through providing the tools and advice for removing invasive weeds threatening our natural environment.
“There are a dozen Bushcare sites across Ipswich, from Brookwater to Rosewood, and every weekend there’s a working bee happening somewhere,” Cr Madden said.
“With the cooler weather of autumn around the corner, we encourage residents to visit their local site during a regular volunteer working bee to meet the group and see the work they’re doing.”
Cr Madden said Bushcare was a great way for residents to learn how to use a variety of tools and weed control techniques guided by experienced volunteers and council officers.
“This varies from using a tree-popper to pull out camphor laurel saplings to safely using hand mattocks for digging out the corms of asparagus fern or the roots of corky passion vine,” Cr Madden said.
“You can just turn up to a regular working bee to try it out for yourself, all training and tools are provided. You’ll also quickly gain knowledge of identifying invasive weeds but also the incredible native plants of Ipswich.”
The Friends of Smith Park Group is one of the dozen Bushcare groups actively making a difference to the environment in their local area.
Group leader Jim Collins said their work at the Woodend site aimed to rid the entire park area of weeds and replace with native trees and try to encourage a return of koalas by making the park accessible to the iconic species.
“Smith Park is a node of remnant vegetation in our urban area that is home for a diverse range of wildlife. It has koala food tree species growing within its boundaries,” Mr Collins said.
“It provides connectivity for wildlife across the landscape to the Bremer River and includes a number of rare and threatened tree species. There is nothing else within our suburb of this size.
Mr Collins said improving the natural landscape leads to “a healthy feeling of satisfaction”.
For Bushcare working bee information, see the Volunteer Portal at Ipswich.qld.gov.au/volunteering
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