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28 May 2020: COVID-19 updates #ipswichtogether

4.10pm. That’s a wrap for today

That’s all for today from the #ipswichtogether blog.

We’ll be back again tomorrow from 8am with more important information and community updates.

3pm. You’re not alone

The past few months have been anything but normal.

If you’re feeling stressed or down, or if things are starting to get on top of you, it’s OK to ask for help.

Keep an eye on your own health and those around you. For help, give these support services a try:

  • Lifeline 13 11 14 will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 will continue to operate 6pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
  • Lifeline webchat will continue to operate 7pm – midnight (AEDT), 7 nights a week;
  • Kids Helpline – for children that may need support 1800 55 1800.;
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

2.15pm. Ipswich business brightens up hospital wards

Made by Meez is a clothing label from Carole Park which launched this year right before the pandemic hit.

Rameez Kneebone had planned to make simple dresses out of unique, fun fabrics.

But then a few weeks later the COVID-19 health crisis hit and Ms Kneebone was faced with a decision.

“People were losing their jobs and there was not a lot of discretionary spending going on,” Ms Kneebone said.

“A friend wrote on my Instagram that scrubs were so hot right now and I should look into that.

“I’m sure she said it in jest but I loved the idea.”

Not only does Ms Kneebone make the scrubs, but she also designs and prints her own material.

“I was a nurse for 16 years so this is a great fit for me,” she said.

“It was a complete pivot from where I was, but if I had continues just making dresses I don’t think I would be busy at all.”

Read the full story here.

11.45am. Share your COVID-19 experiences

Picture Ipswich is asking residents to share their COVID-19 experiences to help preserve this moment in time for future generations.

Residents are being asked to share personal stories and images.

Residents can send their images of empty shelves, home schooling, social distancing signage, pets helping/getting in the way of work, how special events like Anzac Day were marked, to name a few, via Instagram #PictureIpswichAtHome, the Picture Ipswich Facebook page or email.

Read the full story: Help us preserve this moment in time

11.15am. Heading back to the office? Don’t forget these must have items

With many heading back into the office as COVID-19 restrictions ease, it’s important to remember to keep on top of our social distancing and hygiene practises in the workplace.  

Queensland Health has encouraged those heading back to work to include the following items in their ‘welcome back pack’ to keep them safe and healthy:

  • Hand sanitiser or anti-bacterial wipes – to regularly clean your hands
  • Disinfectant spray – to wipe down your desk, phone and other items you touch
  • Tissues – to cover coughs and sneezes.

Finally, don’t forget: if you’re feeling unwell, stay at home.

10am. Queensland update: six active cases across the state

Queensland has recorded zero new cases of COVID-19 overnight, with just six active cases across the state on Thursday.

Chief health officer Jeannette Young said this was very good news for Queensland, but reminded people of the importance of getting tested.

“For us to go forward and to lift those very onerous restrictions that have been in place now, we must do more testing,” Dr Young said.

“We have the capacity in Queensland to test 10,000 Queenslanders every single day.

“We’ve not even reached half of that number, so I implore Queenslanders, if you have any symptoms at all or a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or above, or a history of fever, then please come forward and get tested.”

Contact tracing continues in Blackwater following the death of a 30-year-old man with COVID-19 this week. So far, 20 contacts have been identified. Of those, 18 have been tested and returned a negative result. The final two identified contacts will be tested on Thursday.

9.10am. Don’t skip your health appointments

Doctors are reminding people not to put off important health checks and screenings because of coronavirus fears. 

Women’s Health not-for-profit Jean Hailes has joined more than 20 other leading health organisations to urge Australians to continue attending their doctor and specialist appointments, saying “cancer, diabetes and kidney disease do not stop during COVID-19”.

8am. Thursday, 28 May 2020. Ipswich back to zero

There are currently zero active cases of Covid-19 in the West Moreton Health region after the latest case has recovered according to West Moreton Health information issued at noon yesterday.

The region’s total confirmed cases is 38 with all recovered.

There are 24 overseas acquired cases in Ipswich and four locally acquired for a total of 28 in Ipswich.

Queensland had one confirmed case of novel coronavirus reported yesterday.

A total of 1058 cases have been confirmed for Queensland with 1044 of those recovered.

Most Queenslanders who have contracted COVID-19 have experienced mild symptoms.

Currently, four of the active cases are in hospital, with one of these in intensive care.

Seven people have died from Covid-19 across Queensland.

Contact tracing continues for recent cases.

Ipswich First

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